Thursday, April 16, 2020

Today we will be learning about caterpillars!

Story - The Crunching Munching Caterpillar by Sheridan Cain & Jack Tickle

The Crunching, Munching Caterpillar: Sheridan Cain, Jack Tickle ...

Gross Motor -
Paint outside. Give your kiddos a paint brush and water and let them paint the house, trees, fence, or whatever you like!

Music/Movement -
Caterpillar Chant 
A caterpillar looks so small.
It is hardly there at all.
It munches on green leafy treats,
And it gets bigger as it eats.
It eats and eats, 'til pretty soon,
It wraps up tight in a cocoon.
When it wakes up it blinks its eyes

And says, "I'm now a butterfly!"
Cute butterfly with pink and purple wings Vector Image

Hungry Caterpillar - The Learning Station - You Tube
Spring Songs for Children - Hungry Caterpillar with Lyrics - Kids ...

Video -
Caterpillars for Kids -
Caterpillars For Kids - YouTube

Social/Emotional Skills -
Glad Monster, Sad Monster
Glad Monster, Sad Monster by Ed Emberley, Anne Miranda ...

Art - Today you will need a paper cup, or something that is a circle shape, and paint and paper. Have your child dip the cup in paint and print circles on a paper. Ask them what shape they are making. When they have practiced for a bit, have them print circles next to each other to form a caterpillar. When it has dried, you can draw on antenna and legs, lots of legs! You could send me a picture and I'll include in on next blog!!!
Paper Cup Circle Caterpillar Craft

Caterpillar Facts -
Caterpillars eat their egg after they hatch. 
Monarch Caterpillar, Danaus plexippus, 1st Instar eating i… | Flickr
Most caterpillars are shades of green or brown and are relatively hairless, although in many families caterpillars are very hairy and often brightly colored. 
Wisconsin's first snow: Can woolly bear caterpillar predict weather?
Well, Hello There, Tiny Monarch Caterpillar! - Bug Squad - ANR Blogs

Caterpillars eat many leaves and grow very fast. 

How To Get Rid Of Caterpillars Eating Leaves In The Garden