This week the children learned about cows.  On Monday the children created colorful cows using fingerprints.  The children were given 3 colors which they could use as they wished.  Most of the children used all 3 colors.  They had fun blending the colors.  

For snack on Monday, we had chocolate milk of course, because milk comes from cows!.  If you have chocolate milk, you have to have a powdered donut, right? 

On Wednesday, WE MADE BUTTER!  Our first attempt to make butter was a huge success!
To make butter, you need to shake up some whipping cream.  I had lots of volunteers for this! We put on some music and danced!

I brought in some bread for us to put our butter on.  Most of the children were willing to try it!

Friday was pink pig day.  First, I had the children mix up some play doh to make it pink.  I then showed them how to make pigs out of their pink play doh.  They really seemed to enjoy this as the play doh was out and being used most of the morning!

The children also got to create pink at the easel.  It is sooo much fun watching them paint at the easel. They have different techniques and you can just imagine what is going through their minds as they use the paint. They were given red and white paint and were to blend it on the paper to get pink.

                   "You missed a spot"

I love the two handed technique.     Two guys in an art museum critiquing a painting.

After mixing plah doh pink and making pigs and creating pink at the easel, we read the very funny, The Three Little Pigs and the Somewhat Bad Wolf.  It was hilarious!

While all of these activities were going on, there was still plenty of imagination at work in the classroom in other areas.

Nest week we will be working on a surprise!  Mother's Day is coming :)
See you Monday!

The children started off the week by making a little red hen.  Painting, gluing LOTS of concentration! We learned that the thing on top of a chicken's head is called a comb.

    I think they came out pretty cute!

On Friday, we saw the play, "The Little Red Hen" presented by Timeless Tales Theatre. The children learned the importance of helping friends out.

Some classroom fun...

For some reason, they love this little corner.

A man and his mower......

                                                   Star Wars space craft!

                                                   Happy Birthday Pat!
Next week, we will be learning about cows. Have you ever made butter?  Me either, but we're going to try!  Stay tuned!