We continued with our silly stories this past week.  The first book was a counting book, One Hungry Monster.   The children did some interesting color blending to create silly monsters.  They used washable markers to color coffee filters. They sprayed the filters with water to get the colors to blend.  This week we will add facial features.


Something new in the sensory table :)
Quiet in his thoughts

I love the cooperative and imaginative play going on here!

On Friday, we read the story Silly Sally.  "Silly Sally went to town, walking backwards and upside down!"   The children loved this story! As you can imagine, her hair was pretty silly, since she was always upside down.  The children created their own Silly Sally faces.  This was a great exercise in Fine Motor skills.



This week.......painting Orange!  Can you guess what we are preparing for?

This week I read to the children, The Three Little Pigs and the Not So Bad Wolf. It is a new twist on an old classic.  The children seemed to enjoy the story with all the new twist, including having the pigs enjoying potato chips and soda. We all got involved with huffing and puffing!  In the end, all the pigs and the wolf remained good friends. The children were given red and white paint and they created their own shades of pink.




On Friday, the children enjoyed a puppet and magic show from Razzmatazz!  It was very entertaining!
Some classroom fun........

She was very proud of her stringing project :) 



She drew a self portrait.  :) 

Nest week, we will be doing "Silly Stories" including One Hungry Monster and Silly Sally
I encourage you to share this weekly blog with your children and see if they can tell you more about the pictures.  I know they love seeing themselves in pictures. Often I will ask them if I can "make a picture" of what they are making.  This is an excellent way for them to show you what they did in school.
Have a GREAT weekend!


Here is a picture of the mice the children made for Hickory, Dickory, Dock. The children identified and selected ovals, circles and triangles to make their mice. They also got to name and choose their favorite colors.

This past week we continued learning about Nursery Rhymes. The children started off with Humpty, Dumpty. Who knew band aids could be so much fun?



The children also worked on Baa, Baa, Black Sheep and The Itsy Bitsy Spider.





 This week, we will be reading silly stories including The 3 Little Pigs and the Not So Bad Wolf and Silly Sally. See you Monday!