This week, when the children came to class, they discovered a frog pond in our room!  Well, cork "frogs" anyway.  It was a lot of fun as you can see!

  The children worked on more flowers this week.  Lots of gluing!

Water color fun.  This was so pretty!

Some of my friends decided that our snakes and lizards needed a better home, so this is where they put them!  They are always thinking :)

On Friday, the children made green frogs by using a blue marker on yellow paper! Hmmm



Children at play.

He was very proud of his car track.

Two very different styles of drawing.

I asked the children what the were looking for, they said a tiger!  They found a leopard. :)

 LOVE this photo!  Don't know how I captured this!

Lots of pretending going on here.  It is a Dr. office and they are fixing animals and an improvised "garage"  for all of his cars.

We had a GREAT Week!




This week we worked on caterpillars and more flowers.  We also enjoyed Merry Berry, a clown that did magic and was funny!




Snakes in the garden...........................


Our flower garden.

Some Lunch Bunch fun....................


                                                     Merry Berry...............


This was too cute!  She was talking on the phone :)