Last week, we started off with a show from Timeless Tales Theatre, "Little Red Riding Hood".  The children really seemed to enjoy it.  Have you ever heard of a bad wolf that looked like Fonzi?

 Some of the Halloween art the children made.

Halloween fun!  These little "nuggets", I bought when my kids were little! The children had fun mixing and matching the costumes.

Another birthday!

We were also very busy last week making our Auction Project.  It was a hands on experience, so no time for pictures!  They are not quite finished but I am sure they will be adorable!

Wear your Halloween t-shirt tomorrow!  See you soon!

Last week, the children worked on glittery pumpkins and black cats! They painted their pumpkins with a golf ball. The paint was mixed with a bit of glue so that the glitter would stick!

The children will add whiskers and eyes to their black cat paintings this week.

Some classroom Halloween activities.

You never know what they will come up with!

We celebrated another birthday in our class!

See you on Monday!

Last week, the children worked on creating a  Halloween picture.  They painted a yellow moon on Monday.  On Wednesday, they glued their moon on to a black sheet of paper and added bats!

Some Halloween activities in the classroom.

See you on Monday!

We had a busy week, even though we only met for two days.  We started off last week with a visit from the Fire Department! The firefighter showed us his ax and hose and fire extinguisher. He showed us all around the firetruck.  We saw the hose and where the water comes out.

We also celebrated a birthday!

We started our unit on Halloween.  We read the 5 Little Pumpkins and the children painted with yellow and red paint to make orange.

Some classroom fun...

A friendship is born :)