Well, we have some catching up to do!  This month we are talking about cold weather and the things that go along with that, like wearing mittens, drinking hot cocoa and making snowmen.  We also explored "melting".  In our water table this week we had a polar bear on an "iceberg". We watched the iceberg melt, along with a few other icebergs I had in the water table.  We also painting with ice cubes!  We have had lots of fun with all things cold!

When I first set up the "snow" table, I had in Little People figures with snow scene items.  One of our friends decided to put in the snow a dump truck and bull dozer. Perfect, for clearing snow, right? They are always thinking :)
We have now started to attend chapel on Wednesday with the rest of the preschool.  We eat our snack outside before going in to chapel.
We get to sit in the front row!  We can see everything!

We decorated our own hot cocoa mugs.  We painted snow and we painted with ice cubes.  We also made matching mittens by squirting paint on paper and pressing the paper together to make the same image on each side of the paper.
Hot cocoa mugs

Love the concentration!


Snow painting




We celebrated another birthday in our class!

Some random fun.
He told me he was building a boat and then a bridge.


Hot cocoa mugs.

Party hats were a big hit with some :)

 After Christmas, I rearranged the classroom and brought out different toys and experiences, including a chalkboard.  While working on the chalkboard they discovered chalk dust!  It was a ready made science lesson!


Last but not least, our iceberg experiment!  Next year I will need to make my icebergs bigger as they melted pretty quick!  As I said before, we talked a lot about melting that day and even read
The Snowy Day by Ezra Keets, a story about a little boy that tried to take a snowball home in his pocket and it......melted.


Next we will be getting ready for Valentine's Day and Grandparents Day!  Stay tuned!






I have a new computer so bear with me for this post.  I am going to post pictures from our last day of school before the break.  We had fun giving Santa a beard of shaving cream and we also enjoyed our Christmas snack.  Enjoy!  I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow!

Shaving cream fun!

They are cleaning the table with paper cups :)

Fine motor skills
Lunch for two, please
These two were busy working together

My beautiful Christmas cactus!  Thank you!