Last week, we continued  with our theme of  "Favorite Stories".  On Monday, we read the story, I Went Walking, a story about a little boy that goes out for a walk and discovers all sorts of animals.  "I went walking, what did you see?"
For art that day, the children got their first experience with painting at the easel.  This activity helps to build the large arm muscles, which eventually will lead to working on the elbow, and then the wrist. All working toward writing skills down the road.
I especially love this activity because the children experience so many different things, creativity, color blending and imagination. "What did you see?" One friend really wanted to reach the top of the paper and so we did some problem solving!  They are learning independence skills as well.  I can clean up!

On Wednesday, we read the story, The Big Wide Mouthed Frog and The Icky Sticky Frog. The children were given blue and yellow paint to make green.  Some children mixed the colors in the dish and some mixed the color on the paper plate.  We will be adding eyes and long sticky tongues this week. Did you know that frogs eat bugs?

Friday, we read The Very Hungry Caterpillar  and the children worked on circles.  I was very impressed with their art. Usually, 2 year old children will make a sweeping motion when "making prints".  They all seemed to understand the concept and did very well making their circles.

When children play with blocks, cars and trucks they learn the concepts of shape and size, length and location, to create and repeat a pattern, exercise imagination, cooperation and problem solving.

Play in dramatic area, teaches children to be flexible in thinking, try on adult roles, problem solving through negotiations....

When children string beads, they learn the concept of shape and color, eye hand coordination, number concepts....

When they sort things, they learn to notice different and alike, concepts of color and shapes, logical reasoning...

When children use the sensory table, they learn concepts of size, shape and volume, how to use tools, problem solving...

And you thought all we did was play!  See you Monday!

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