Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Today, we will learn about pelicans and seagulls.


A pelican’s diet mostly consists of fish. They have also been known to eat crustaceans, amphibians, turtles, small mammals and even smaller birds.

Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) | about animals

Pelicans are water birds or sea birds. They live by rivers, lakes, ponds, lagoons, swamps, wetlands and along the coastlines.

pelican | Taxonomy, Habitat, Description, & Facts | Britannica
Did you know that the brown pelican is the official bird for the City of St. Petersburg?


Most gulls live near the ocean, but gulls can also live near lakes and reservoirs.

Pictures of Seagulls On-Beach | It is hard to take a trip to the ...

Gulls are often called garbage birds because they eat almost anything. Gulls eat fish, squid, shellfish and mussels. They also eat bugs and earthworms and won’t turn away from garbage or even dead animals. They often fight with each other over food.

Seagulls' love of In-N-Out may be changing the Channel Islands ...

Video -


SEAGULLS * | Birds For Kids | All Things Animal TV - YouTube

Story - 

Seagull & Sea Dragon by Sydni Gregg 

Storytime Saturday - Seagull and Seadragon - Kids Book Read Aloud ...

Music/Movement -

Ten white seagulls just see them fly.
Over the water, and up to the sky.
Ten white seagulls crying aloud.
Spread out their wings, and fly over a cloud.
Ten white seagulls on a bright day.
Pretty white seagulls, fly, fly away!

Art -

Today you will have two projects.  The first project you will need to start on today so that it will be ready for Thursday.

Project #1 Frozen Ocean (Make Ahead for Thursday!)

Frozen Ocean Animal Rescue

Project #2 Starfish

Gross Motor -

Play a jumping memory game. Draw different color circles in your driveway. 
Can you jump on red then blue.
Can you jump on Blue then orange?
Can you jump on red then blue then orange?
*can use hula hoops or other colored items

Social/Emotional -

Healthy Me  - Exercise with Grover

Sesame Street: Exercise with Grover - YouTube

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