We have two new friends, Connor and Ava, and they fit in just great!
The next two weeks we will be working on "Winter". We have talked about and experienced, cold weather. We are talking about snow and what you can do with it. Hot chocolate, mittens and wooly hats are also included in this unit.
On Monday, the children decorated hot chocolate mugs. The snack that day was chocolate milk with marshmallows.
The children had fun getting back together this week. :)
On Wednesday, the children did some "ice cube painting". This was a lesson in science AND art! The children were given a small amount of powdered paint and an ice cube on a stick. I explained to them that as the ice cube melted, it made the paint. It was fun to watch! We have also been doing a finger play about 5 Little Snowmen that melt away. So they have been learning a lot about melting.
Happy Birthday Zoey!
Mittens and hot chocolate mugs
Snow in our sensory table!
On Friday, the children made a melted snowman.
Classroom fun............
I'm looking forward to another great week!