Story - A Day on the Farm by Nancy Fielding Hulick
Try this fun video on chickens -
Gross Motor - How about creating a homemade obstacle course? You can use sidewalk chalk to create or small household items.
Music/Movement - Try shaking an egg with Laurie Berkner
Laurie Berkner band: I know a Chicken
Here is the Barn (Finger Play)
Here is the barn
(form a roof with your hands (triangle))
Where I like to go
(walk in place)
It’s as tall as a tree
(raise hands overhead)
And cozy, you know
(hug body with arms)
Here is the barn
(make roof with your hands)
(make roof with your hands)
I’ll go there with you
(walk in place)
To pet a sweet lamb (pretend to pet a lamb)
And cuddle it, too!
(pretend to hug a lamb)
Art - Chick art from a few more friends!