Another fun week at school! We are learning all about ourselves. How big am I? We drew around the children to see!
We have eyes, ears, a nose and a does Mr Potato Head!
We read, How Do Dinosaurs Play with Their Friends and Suppose You Meet a Dinosaur, A Book About Manners. A great way to introduce to the children how friends behave. Of course we had to do dinosaur art to go along with the books. ")
The children got to pick the color that they wanted to paint their dinosaur. We even had to mix red and blue to make purple.
This week, I introduced our sensory table. The children enjoyed exploring the rice....and cleaning up!
Snack time. The children are learning to wash their hands and say a blessing before we eat our snack. They are also learning to put their trash away when they are done.
They still need some gentle reminders :)
We also got out some play dough this week. This is a great way to build fine motor skills. Notice the different technique. Pinching skills and squeezing skills.
See you on Monday!