We've had another birthday!

At the easel...

This week we are learning about cowboys and cowgirls and things you would find out West!
The sensory table is filled with sand.  The children can sift the sand searching for gold.

Today, I showed them a video about the rodeo.  We saw bronco horses and big bulls and cowgirls barrel racing!  It was very intriguing! 

Decorating boots!

Next week we will be painting cactus and a dessert sunset..... :)

On Monday, we watched and listened to a presentation from the "Wonders of Nature". We learned about different kinds of birds and how they are each special in their own way.  We saw an owl, hawk, parrot, small toucan.  We learned that some birds have really good eye sight and that some birds hear really well.  We listened to a parrot.  He said things just like we do!.  We learned that squirrels collect acorns, bury them and then forget where they are!  It was a very entertaining morning!

We are still getting ready for Valentine's Day.  The children made Valentine sun catchers!

This week the children found Valentine matching games and a sweet cupcake, shape matching game!

More imaginative play...

 Grandparent Day!  We're so glad you came!

We are midway through the year and I am starting to see more "cooperative" play in the classroom. Up until now they have been doing mostly "parallel" play.  They are so fun to watch at this stage!  I can only imagine what they are thinking.
The children have been working on something special for Grandparent and Special Friend Day!  We can't wait for our visitors!

The children are getting ready for Valentine's Day.  This was a fun art/science project.  The children were given heart shapes made out of water color paper.  We sprinkled baked soda on the hearts and then the children dripped colored vinegar onto the paper.  Fizzing heart art!  This project took a lot of concentration as they had to learn how to use the pipettes. It was a great exercise in building their fine motor skills.  And it was so much fun to watch the vinegar react with the baking soda!

See you Monday!