Last week, the children made snowmen with puffy paint.  They could use a spoon or their fingers.  I think they came out really cute!
I love how resourceful the children are.  One of my friends went to get a visual aide for his friends.


Looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday!  We'll be painting PINK getting ready for Grandparent and Special Friend Day!  (Friday, Feb 10th)

These are some of the snowmen the children made last week.

I thought this was very resourceful.  Bulldozers to move snow!

We also added some new trucks to our classroom last week and they were a BIG hit!

I brought in powdered covered donuts because they reminded me of snow. 
The children really seemed to enjoy them!

Some stamping fun.

It was great to see everyone return from Christmas break.  The children were really glad to see each other and I was glad to see them!

We will be talking and learning about snow and winter the next few weeks.

Snow in our sensory table!

We saw "Frosty the Snowman"

Some classroom fun
