We continued with Nursery Rhymes this week. 
On Monday the children worked on Baa, Baa ________ sheep.
The children got to pick their favorite color!

On Wednesday, the children discovered eggs!  The children learned the Nursery Rhyme, Humpty Dumpty. We talked about what happens to them when they get a boo boo.  I showed them a real egg and I dropped it into a bowl. Once they saw what happen to the egg, we decided that a band aid could NOT fix Humpty! The children had fun with eggs in the classroom and they learned about the shape "oval". 





On Friday the children learned Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.  The children got to paint AND use glitter!  FUN!







 Jack be nimble, Jack be quick. Jack jumped over the...........

The children made candlesticks on Friday.  We discussed over and under and around.



There is always something in our sensory table.  The children learn to pour and scoop, basic elements of science! Great for fine motor skills, too.







Don't worry Mom and Dad, we had fun today!